Health Booster Hub

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What is a Dental Makeover?

What is a Makeover? A makeover is a complete transformation of one’s appearance. When you use the term to denote a change in a person’s physical appearance, it might refer to cosmetics, hairstyles, and clothing. Contact lenses, dental veneers, and…

Best 10 Moves for Core Workouts At Home

A workout involving your abdominal muscles and the back muscles in a coordinated manner is a core workout. The activity aims to strengthen your lower back, hips, abdomen, and pelvis. It also enables these muscles to work together for better…

Why Do You Need A Running Pace Calculator?

A healthy body is desirable for all of us, and we do our bit to achieve a healthy body. But it is vital to understand how much running or workout sessions are accurate for the body. It varies from person…

Consideration to Make when Looking for a Detox Center

The majority of young people in society are feeling trapped in drug and alcohol addictions. It is sad to witness so many people, both young and adults, dying as a result of the effects of these substances. The most important…

How to Calculate the Calories You Burn During Exercise?

A calorie is a measure of how much energy the body needs for proper functioning. Different foods have different amounts of calories. The question, how to calculate the calories you burn during exercise must be circulating in your mind. The…

Body Fat Percentage Calculator – Get an Instant Estimate

Your body fat percentage is the key indicator of your health. A high body fat percentage is undesirable as it can cause several diseases. Body fat recommendation is different for males and females due to physiological reasons. The body fat…

Why Do You Need to go to the Dentist Twice per Year?

Growing up, there is a good chance that you went to the dentist twice per year for regular cleaning. Even though you might think that your mouth is fine, you have to go to the dentist twice per year for…

What to Consider when Looking for a Drug Rehab Center

Substance abuse and addiction are terrible conditions that have damaged so many people’s lives and their families. When an addicted person comes to terms with their situation, they need to go to a rehab center for help. This will be…

What is a BMI Calculator and Its Importance?

Determining someone’s body weight and segregating him into the body fat category isn’t always the easiest job. Also not the honorable. This is where the BMI calculator comes in. It will do the boring job for you of deciding everyone’s…

The Evolution of False Teeth. From Wood to Porcelain

History has preserved the most interesting facts, findings, and discoveries illustrating the long evolutionary path of tics from antiquity to the present day so that today dentists – fortunately for their patients – have the most modern materials and technologies…