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functional medicine

What Can Functional Medicine Treat

As the world continues to buckle under the weight of countless life-threatening diseases, medical practitioners are leaving nothing to chance when it comes to discovering effective treatment methods. Functional medicine happens to be one of the ideal treatment options, especially for patients suffering from chronic illnesses. Unlike other forms of treatment that focus on dealing with the visible symptoms, functional medicine is designed to deal with the root cause of an illness even as the present symptoms are being tackled. This makes functional medicine Colorado-based a great avenue through which residents can receive professional help.

Conditions treated using functional medicine

According to testaments from patients who have been subjected to the functional medicine approach, there is no doubt that this approach is extremely rewarding. The number of individuals who have had their health restored under the various programs entailed in this form of treatment indicates that functional medicine is the way to go. Below are common conditions that can be treated using functional medicine;


The best way to treat asthma is by identifying and reducing factors that trigger and accelerate asthma symptoms. This means that functional medicine passes as the most practical treatment for asthma and other respiratory complications since underlying issues are adequately addressed.


By controlling blood glucose levels, patients who have diabetes can experience immense relief because their condition is controlled and reversed. Furthermore, when functional medicine is being applied to diabetic patients, optimizing blood glucose levels and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is highly prioritized, making a full recovery possible.


Degeneration of cartilage normally precedes arthritis. However, since functional medicine touches on diet and nutrition to stay healthy, regeneration and repair of worn-out cartilage can be achieved when a diet that contains supplements and nutrients is adhered to as instructed by a doctor in this field.

What are the benefits of functional medicine?

When functional medicine is professionally applied, and patients abide by the instructions issued by their doctors, patients who were left for dead can progressively bounce back to a healthy life. The many benefits that are associated with this form of treatment include;

  • Longer appointments-A functional medicine doctor will spend more time with their patients as they seek to get to the bottom of what caused the disease. This can immensely contribute to an accurate diagnosis since the patient has ample time to share how they feel.
  • You are exposed to alternative treatments-Unlike most treatment methods, functional medicine is open to a wide variety of treatment approaches, like herbal remedies and acupuncture. Such options can succeed where other drugs have failed to yield results.
  • More personalized experience-Functional medicine doctors will always design a treatment plan based on an individual’s unique condition. This helps inadequately dealing with a specific condition that you might be suffering from.

Your health should be your most treasured wealth. Without good health, you cannot live a productive life. Therefore, it is critical to explore other treatment approaches like functional medicine, which have been proven to produce positive results as far as wholesome treatment is concerned.


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Jai Bhatt is a Passionate Blogger, Entrepreneur & Digital Marketer in India. He shares his thoughts on HealthBoosterHub. He has been blogging since 2013 & writes about Web Design, Web Development, SEO, Tech, Travel & Health blogs.